Thoughts On Ninisanni 2 And What's Next

Hello fans and friends,

I was both exceedingly proud and a little nervous to release Ninisanni Scenario 2: The Harem End. You can download it on my profile page right now. I hope you do, since I spent a lot of time on it. Haha...

But now that it's been a couple weeks from release, I want to share my thoughts on it, since I spent a lot of time on it.
For starters, wew lad, balancing 16 girls is a difficult task indeed! Making sure they each got enough screentime was a little tricky, but I think I managed it alright. You might notice I deliberately kept the focus on the main ten. I view them as the "harem" and the others as side characters, so that may explain the VERY variable screentime between the new girls. There were those of the new six that I wrote enough scenes to constitute full on routes, and others that get decidedly less screentime. For those that were fans of the girls who get less, I apologize.

Ideally, I'd want every girl to get a bit of a route. But the workload was heavy. I planned to finish it in a year's time, but I totally overshot my scope by writing WAY too much. Which means you got a lot! But also you had to wait a bit, so that kinda sucked...

There's a lot I could have added, if only I had more time. Voice acting AI, nude sprites, more sex scenes, bring back some deleted scenes, the list goes on! But all projects need an end date, and so I chose to prioritize funny casual scenes over all other considerations. But if anybody wants to send me a translation script or an android port or bunch of nude sprites for all the characters, well then... I'd have no choice to implement it!

I hope you enjoy the extras, that being the Wardrobe and the Mallwalk function in choosing scenes. While implementing them I could feel my VN developer stats leveling up!! It made the project so much more fun, having a non-linear design like that. I hope it's fun to you too!

Honestly, I'm a little conflicted with the release. I mean sure, it's 20 hours of reading total, which is a lot. But it still feels with more time I could do more. I mean, I COULD do more, I could release a DLC with all the scenes I cut and then some. Or maybe a sequel. Maybe two sequels.

But I think I won't. At least for now. While Ninisanni Scenario has a great setting and a great cast that I could write scenes for endlessly, I already spent years of my life drafting these two fangames. And interest in Nijisanji EN seems to be at an all time low. A lot of people tell me they're playing NNSN2 in spite of Nijisanji, not because of it.

So what's the point? I'm going to be writing visual novels anyways, why not move onto my original concepts? I have so many stories I want to show you guys, so many things I want to try with the visual novel format. And the only things keeping me from them is my dissatisfaction with an incomplete ending.

But I think I'll live with it. Who knows, maybe I'll come back to Ninisanni someday. When it's old enough to be nostalgic, maybe? Fufufufu!

Anyway, here's the plan. You won't see any more VNs from me for a year. I'm taking a long break the writing and scripting for my peace of mind, to live my life a little and hopefully walk away with some experiences that make for good premises and jokes.
But that doesn't mean I'll be slacking off. I've already started back up my art studies. I'm also picking up piano! It's super fun! I hope to one day release a visual novel with my own art and music that I can be proud of.

But talent takes time. I don't expect you wait until I can repro the Mona Lisa before you get another taste of dullachan goodness. I've got about 5-6 visual novels I'm mulling over in the short term. There are two that are novella length, and have their scripts fully written. There's another that's novella length and has the art assets accounted for. And then there's three medium to long length ones that are killer premises, but I haven't started work on them just yet.

So in summary, I'm taking a year off, but the year after that, you guys should see some pretty good stuff. 

 I wish you all a fantastic summer!


P.S. You want my advice, take the MC's to-do list from Ninisanni Scenario 2 and try to cross off as many things as you can. That's what I'm doing.

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While I'm not enirely done yet (so no full review for now) I'll say that I'm having a blast so far!

I also want to say, that I'd rather wait for a fully fleshed out game, than to not wait for a rushed game and that you I don't mind you taking your time.

And while I'm saddened to see the Niji Cast go, I also think that it's for the best to let that go for now, because of the points you listed. Although a DLC wouldn't be so bad. It'd be a shame to see for the Deleted Scenes to truly vanish in the Void. But I'm also excited to see, what will come should you bring in your own characters.

Additionally, with you saying something about translations, I might start making a german translation, but that'll depend on my time and motivation, so I won't promise, that it'll ever be a reality. It would be kinda cool to be listed in the credits for that, though.

I'll say that I'm having a blast so far!

That's awesome to hear! Take your time, by all means.

I also want to say, that I'd rather wait for a fully fleshed out game, than to not wait for a rushed game and that you I don't mind you taking your time.
Understood. I do want to say, I don't mean to put the onus on player pressure for wanting the game out quicker. A lot of it was me. I wanted the game development to be over with way sooner than when I actually released it.
The scenes I cut weren't core to the theme or plot of the Scenario, and that's why I made the executive decision to cut where I did. I wanted all the best scenes in the game, and to not waste too much on chaffe scenes that don't really serve a purpose, don't address any character conflicts or themes, etc.

It'd be a shame to see for the Deleted Scenes to truly vanish in the Void.

It would. As well as my plans for the third and final game. That's where things get really dramatic, and you see a lot of character conflicts. It was going to be a total bloodbath.
I dunno. Give me more time and distance from it all. I didn't expect people to actually want more.

might start making a german translation

While that would be super cool, I'm worried about it being too much of a workload for you. I make a lot of jokes in the VN, I'm not sure how well they would translate over. As well as the length, dear lord. I clocked it at about 800 pages.
I'd rather keep you on retainer as a potential future contact for German translation for my future projects. *winky face* I'd put your name nice and big in the credits. *winky face* *winky face*