Small Bugfixes

Hello all. How's it going?

I hope you've been enjoying Ninisanni Scenario 2 and all it has to offer. If you've haven't, hah, well that works out well because there were some tiny bugs in the initial release, and now you can play a cleaner copy!

Bugs Found:

  • To-do list marks MC as gainfully employed before he applies for a job
  • Passing out drunk at on Thursday Night will send you to a different time zone
  • Small dialogue section in one of the end scenes will refer to a certain main route, and not take into account which main route you're on.

All of these are now fixed. If you so choose, you can download the game again and these will be fixed. You don't have to worry about saves or persistent data or any of that, it should all still be there. If you don't care to download again, that's fine too, they aren't gamebreaking in any way.

Files 1.8 GB
Version 11 78 days ago 1.8 GB
Version 6 Jun 21, 2024

Get Ninisanni Scenario 2: The Harem End

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